Since you're looking at this website, we can assume you know how to either click a link or type an address into the browser (that's the program that you use to view websites). We're going to go a … [Read More...]

Too fast in some cases. Website design and development is filled with confusing terms, complicated jargon, and complex tech-speak. It's a tough road to go down because you don't know what you don't know.
We've worked with small businesses for years and can break it down for you. Whether you plan on building your own website or want hire it out, you need a firm grasp of the concepts so you can make an intelligent choice.
Since you're looking at this website, we can assume you know how to either click a link or type an address into the browser (that's the program that you use to view websites). We're going to go a … [Read More...]
The honest answer is: MAYBE. For most people, absolutely. But, if email is a struggle, social media scares you, or if you constantly have to ask one of your kids how to use your computer… creating your own website probably is more than you are suited for.
Do you need to know HTML, CSS or other coding to build an attractive, functional website? Nope. Not at all. It really is mostly pointing and clicking.
But, if you are planning an e-commerce site (a site where people buy things), or a membership site (like this one), or if you want a site that has advanced features — you might have to “get your hands dirty” and delve into a little code. Or you can hire that part out.
I’d love to say it’s so easy anyone can do it… but I can’t. I don’t honestly think Wix or Weebly can either. It’s more about understanding the basics of technology.
Only you know your limits! And signing up is free, so give it a shot… you have nothing to lose. Even if you decide you can’t build your own site (or don’t want to), you’ll have a better understanding of the basics so negotiating with a professional will be an easier process.
Delighted with your service! Consistently over delivers and very helpful with suggestions that even go beyond the current project. Highly recommend your services to all.
— Steve, Southerland Real Estate,
I was very satisfied with your assistance. I wound up with a professional looking website thanks to you. I also received really great support after the fact when I wanted to make some changes to our site. Thanks.
— George Deindorfer, Blue Ball Society,
WOW, Valerie thanks a lot I really love it! It’s been a pleasure working with you!
— John Lowitz, O.D.
CDG Marketing & Web Design LLC
1508 Percheron Ct., Chesapeake, VA 23322
(757) 271-4602
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